Thursday, May 27, 2010

Allens make big babies

Today was an eventful day for me and little beannette. We had our gestational diabetes test appointment. You have to drink a bottle of orange glucose liquid and then they take your blood an hour later. The liquid medicine is said to be GROSS. I was expecting the worse, so it wasn't that bad.

The sugary medicine made me sick. Luckily, it was just nausea and hot flashes, and it's over now. If we failed the test, we'll get a call in the AM. If we passed the test, they won't call. I'm a tad worried b/c gestational diabetes causes big babies, and...

At the check-up portion of today's appointment we got some news. Little beannette should no longer be called "little". Today is the first day of week 28 and when they measured baby/belly, I'm measuring at 32 weeks. My first question was whether this meant the due date was off. She said definitely not, just means she's a big baby. Here are our family's baby weight stats:

I was 6 lbs 9 oz.
My sister Tiffany was 5 lbs 10 oz.
Scott was 8 lbs. 7 oz.
Tripper was 9 lbs. 1 oz.

Who do you think caused this one? The doctor did say i should get more of a push present if the baby remains to be so big. I TOTALLY AGREE (hint, hint honey).

We got back in 2 weeks and if the baby continues to be so much larger than "normal" they'll do an ultrasound to check things out. I've had 2 close friends delivery 4 or 5 weeks early, so we have been planning to have everything ready for baby by mid-July. We'll see how she's doing in 2 weeks.

That's the main baby update. Welcome to the 3rd trimeter Beanette (w/o the little)!

My wedding rings won't fit anymore. Do you like my new rings? I didn't like walking around without any wedding rings on while pregnant. No, they are not real, but they'll do the trick until my finger swelling stops.


  1. Good luck with your GD results ... hope they are negative!!! I actually liked the orange soda ... I know, weird!!!

    Well I hope it's just that your tummy measurements are off ...I think I was measuring 40 weeks by now when I was pregnant ... of course I had two though!!!

  2. Those rings seem like an ideal hint for the giant push present that you'll deserve. :)My push present was a red headed little wonder. So, I have no advice or input on gift, but WOW! already measuring a month ahead. Way to go momma. I know it is only b/c you are eating well and staying healthy. Nothing to worry about.
    Looking forward to our lunch date. xoxo-S

  3. i got a diamond eternity band for my push present (and i had a c-section with zero pushing). you know how competitive scott and tripper are. i say use it to your advantage!! ;)

    add these weights to that list:

    alex: 5 lbs. 14 oz.
    max: 5 lbs. 3 oz.

    they were early and cramped for space and there were two of them—but i like to think of it as carrying an 11-pound preemie baby!

    ps—my wedding rings still don't fit. i keep hoping one day. who am i kidding though, right??

  4. you have great taste girl! That looks exactly like my wedding ring and band!! hee hee. You look great! I'm glad you finally took a picture facing the camera!
