Wednesday, June 9, 2010

wonderful twos

definitely not terrible twos. Here are a few pics from Max and Alex's 2nd birthday party. Holly, my sister-in-law is a designer and she always puts together the perfect presentation. Isn't the set-up cute? I'll have to hire her for Little Beanette's future birthday parties.

Ok, I'm having trouble with the upload of the max and alex pics, so this will have to do for now.

I have 6 paint samples up on the nursery wall, and I think we have a winner (or at least a winning shade). I'll TRY to take a pic tonight to post manana.

This is the last day of week 29, which is so hard to belive. I feel like I'm about to turn know...a really important milestone. Her arrival will be here before we know it! Time to get that nursery ready.

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