Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Best Day Yet

We had our big ultrasound this morning for the nuchal screen.  They took what felt like a gallon of blood (proof in previous post for those not scared to look at blood), then we waited for the ultrasound. 

WHAT A TREAT!  We got to see Little Bean move around so much!  We saw him/her kick, gulp, stick out the tounge, saw a genital bone (that isn’t developed into a boy or girl part yet), and at the end he/she even got the hiccups. I think we have a shy one, he/she kept putting their hands in front of their face. You can see this quite clearly on the bottom right pic below.  Our favorite part was the kicking!!   Start young, little is in your genes!

Here are the fun pics:  top left (facial profile), top right farther out pic of little bean head to the right w/ feet curled up in the air, bottom left:  closer look at Little Bean, can you count the toes?, bottom right: arm held up to the head

They said our baby’s heartbeat was regular. They couldn’t see what they really needed to see for the nuchal screen (fluid area in the back of the neck), so we have to go back next Thursday for another ultrasound. Actually, this is GREAT! I can’t wait for another 30 minutes of seeing Little Bean jump around.  Maybe they'll let me videotape it.

The ultrasound woman said our little guy or girl was too squished to get a 100% accurate due date, but that the August 19th date seemed just about right. We’ll stick with that.


  1. i am so pleased to meet you, little bean!! i am working on your cousins so that by the time you get here they will be good at sharing and playing nice. they've got kissing on command down to an art, so look out! i imagine lots of sweet sloppy kisses coming your way soon. grab the camera!

  2. omg!!! Hi Little Bean! lovely to see you!
