Friday, February 5, 2010

Happy Friday Little Lime

When we first found out we were pregnant, our little one was the size of a kidney bean.  Hence, the nickname...Little Bean.  We are in week 12 and our little bean is now the size of a lime.  "Hello Little Lime!"   Your size is reminding me of a fun trip my best friends from high school and I took to Puerto Vallarta to celebrate the big 3-0 birthdays.  It's also reminding me of margaritas, of which I love lime the best, and corona lights.  Both sides of your family love margaritas so I'm sure you will love them some day too.


  1. We love you little lime! xoxo -Aunt Sarah, Uncle Maj and Anderson

  2. What a memorable trip for so many reasons! Can't wait to see what Little Lime will grow up to be. Oh yeah... Geaux Saints!!! Just had to throw that in there.
