Friday, February 19, 2010

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

I had a fun potluck dinner last night with some college girlfriends.  Janet, Mandy, Heather and Darby- Last night was a blast. All 4 of them are moms.  You know you're having fun when no one realizes it's 10:15p and one of the ladies was due home at 8:30p.  Ladies- we must do it again soon!  Heather it was great to see Hudson and Michael for a bit too.

Besides the fabulous company, dessert was little bean's favorite...Mini Moonpies!  I don't think I ever told the story of buying the moonpies.  I was on a quest to find them and normal stores like Super Target and the grocery don't carry them.  When the snow storm hit our neighborhood was so pretty that we decided to go for a drive in the 4-runner (4x4).  Scott was willing to take a little detour and we tried the gas station for a moonpie.  No luck!  The third store, Walgreens, FINALLY HAD THEM! Not only did they have them, but the had a box of Mini Moonpies!  Perfect sizing for a pregnancy craving.  Maybe that's why they were created.

Maybe I can get Arby's to start selling Moonpies =) 

Happy Friday everyone!  Let the weekend begin.  I've got a baby shower this weekend I'm excited about.  It's my first since finding out I'm expecting. 


  1. Hi there .... here via Max and Alex (and Holly of course)!!!
    Just curious if your morning sickness stopped on a dime at 13 weeks??? Now that you are a few days in.....

  2. We had so much fun too! Thank you so much for having us over. I am super excited for you and Scott! We'll have to do it again sooner rather than later :)

  3. Nope, morning sickness actually wasn't bad for me except at the very beginning. Then is started up again week 13 and now a little in week 14. Hope it goes away soon.
