Tuesday, July 13, 2010

False Alarm

No, no, not with Beanette. I just got back at my desk after a fire alarm scare. I walked down 11 flights of stairs only to find out it was indeed a fire alarm, but all was clear. Someone sprayed something on the the fire alarm pull.

Errrr...karma Mr. sprayer...karma.

My quads are very sore, at least it wasn't up 11 flights.

1 comment:

  1. As Annie would say to Daddy Warbucks "kill kill kill!"
    Take care Beanette and tell Momma to put her feet up. She has been properly trained, b/c of the PiPhi fire of '99, not to disregard fire alarms, but man, you are heavy to carry down 11 flights of stairs. :) xo-S
