Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kitchen Update: Day 21

The kitchen is pretty much done. Counting weekends we are on day 21. They still need to install the new fridge, but before they do that they need to finish the hardwood patching. They put in the new hardwood boards yesterday, but they still need to be stained and coated. They finished up the painting and trim work on Monday.

Here is a picture of our hood which also gives you a sneak peek at the kitchen.

I'm holding out to post pictures of the finished product with before and after pics. It's funny, Scott and I have been without a kitchen for so long it's taking us a while to get back into the swing of things and remember we have appliances we can use. We still haven't cooked a big meal.


  1. Wow you guys! This is amazing. So modern and fresh. How fun! Can't wait to cook it up! xo-S

  2. This looks fabulous! I can't wait to see it in person!!! Great job!!!
