Monday, January 18, 2010

Fun with Mom Myrt and Tiff's Family

I'm sure this will happen, but sorry for being a bad blogger lately.  Work heated up at the end of last week, so I didn't have much free time. 

This weekend was great.  The Allens were in town for Mom Myrt's annual birthday celebration.  The Allen clan headed to Mimi's for a lunch to celebrate Scott's great grandmother's 89th b-day!!!!  I had been craving pancakes, so I got my fill.  Unfortunately I wasn't feeling great Sat night.  We stayed in.  Scott had to pack for a work trip for Miami.  He left the house at 5am Sunday.  Scott- I don't know how you do it sometimes.  

Sunday I got a fun visit from Mom Myrt and Aunt Judy so Judy could see the new house.  After that I watched some football, then headed up to Tiff's house.  I played with Maggie, Coleman and Tiff and Jonathan cooked yummy fish tacos.  Thanks for the fun and dinner guys. 

I'm lucky to have nephews and a niece.  I will be so blessed and thrilled either way our little bean goes- girl or boy. 

If you haven't voted on what you think it will it on the right side of the blog.  I love seeing which way the votes go.


  1. i voted!!

    so who all knows now? seeing you on saturday around all those allens i quickly figured it was still a secret!!

  2. we told ray and kristi last night at the hospital (baby #2 came early). Them and Robin are the only ones who know besides immediate family. I'll see the rest of the HS best friends tomorrow night and I'll let them in on the secret. (if I get off work at a decent hour)
