Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yummy Dinner with Friends

I had a great dinner with Robin and Danielle last night, so they are offiically in on the secret.  Sarah was supposed to come, but when I got to the restaurant Robin said she had to cancel b/c of her little one Anderson.  Bummer... this was the 4th time our plans have gotten cancelled where I was going to tell her. Scott is good friends with her hubby, Major, so we have been trying to have dinners, etc.

Robin was the friend I was blogging about earlier, so she was already in on the secret and helped to set up dinner.  Mission: Tell Danielle!!!  We went to a very yummy Italian joint in Buckhead called Portofino.  I called ahead and got the restaurant to help me out.  I went and got some pacifiers, little bottles and some small pastel blocks with "baby" written on them.  I got there early and handed the bag to the hostess who I had talked to earlier.  The plan was for them to put the things in the bread basket.  Here's how the big reveal went:

The hostess came by and said here is some bread and put the basket with the baby stuff in the middle of the table.  Robin and Danielle were so into the menu that it too 5 minutes for them to notice.  robin saw it first and Danielle was still oblivious.  Robin started laughing, grabbed the basket and threw it on Danielle's menu and said "Have some bread".  TOO FUNNY!  It took her a second before the D: "NO WAY!".  A: "I'm pregnant"   D: "YEAH! I'm so excited!"  She was super excited and thrilled which was so much fun. 

We also called our other best friend Laura who lives in DC.  She was so excited too.  I wish I could have told her in person (like I wish I had told Robin in person).

Dinner was faublous...thanks ladies.  I can't wait until I can enjoy the wine with you again!!!!  It's always a blast with my best friends from high school.  It's scary when I think of the stories they could one day tell my kid. 

All-in-all a great night with best friends, one of the 5 still not in on "little secret".  Tomorrow we are 10 weeks, into the double digits!  Go little bean!!!!  I think it's time to start taking belly shots (no, not of holly did to show how enormous her belly got). 


  1. yippee!!!! I love that my identity has been revealed. ha! Ash - absolutely beside myself, I'm so thrilled for ya'll...and I promise to keep the stories about you to a minimum. maybe...

  2. so fun!! i'm sorry sarah couldn't be there. you should just drive on over to her house and ask a random question like, pamapers or huggies?

    (my answer? pampers until crawling and then huggies.)

    bring on the belly shots!

  3. It was so great to get your call! I am so excited for you and Scott. Now I really need to plan a trip down to Atl to see your growing belly!
