Monday, March 1, 2010

Week 15: Bump Watch

See it?  There's definitely a little pooch these days.  This picture also prominently displays why I am in "feeling fat" stage.  I found 2 cute maternity dresses this weekend, so that helped.  Highlights of the weekend: fun wedding shower; Lowlights of the weekend: Going to Target to buy 1 thing, a body pillow, and purchasing 5 bags of easter candy (YES, 5...WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!).  I think the rule never go to the grocery when you are hungry needs to be strictly enforced when pregnant. 

One month from today, we will be at the docs office finding out whether it's a boy or a girl!


  1. peek-a-boo! i see you, little bean!! hugs to you and your mama!

    you look great, ashley! all glowy and so happy!

  2. Adorable! You look amazing! Finally able to leave comments, I look at the blog every day at work but am firewalled from commenting. ah! Kisses to little bean. xoxo-Aunt Sarah
