Friday, August 6, 2010

Are we nesting?

I can't tell if this qualifies as nesting. I think it's normal, but here's a few things I've done this week that can be borderline nesting:
- thursday trash day: emptied every trash can in the house; scott has been sick and I want all sick germs OUTTA HERE
- Today I'm getting my car detailed at the car wash in the basement of our parking deck...reason: Katelyn needs to come home in a clean car, right?
- Sudden urge for a spotless laundry room (on the to do list for this weekend, but I need scott's help); I think I'd rather do laundry than get the pedicure I planned on tonight...definitely not normal

I also need to tell you how sweet scott has been lately. He's been sick with cold like symptoms for over a week. He went to the doctor and they said it was allergies and even tested his blood for a sinus infection...came back negative. He's been trying to take care of his girls even though he feels bad. It takes me a few minutes to "settle in" to my pillow fortress (i think we are up to 8 pillows). The other night after one of my many 2-5am pee breaks, I got all settled in to the pillows and right before the final shift to my left side the pillow I put under my belly fell to the floor. Sweet Scott got out of bed and walked around to get it for me. SO SWEET! Thanks Babe!! That's just one of the many things he's done for me this week. I guess my feeling miserable is showing. I sure do appreciate it!!!


  1. Ash - You have just perfectly defined nesting. You are fully prepped for mommie-hood now. Congrats! xo-S

  2. That is so sweet ... what a great daddy/husband!!!
