Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tricks for Bringing on Labor?

As stated in the last post, I'm extremely ready for Katelyn's arrival. What tricks have you heard of to bring on labor? I've heard of eating spicy foods, exercising/walking, and the "other" one I won't mention on the blog. Any other tips?

Also, we are having trouble deciding on a middle name. Which of these do you like best? Vote on the poll to the right. Scott and I both have a front runner and neither of us are budging. All 3 are family names. She's a girl so of course we need to consider the monogrammed letters too. We are thinking about coming up with some other options.

1) Katelyn Elizabeth Allen (KEA or kAe)
2) Katelyn Murphy Allen (KMA or kAm)
3) Katelyn Lee Allen (KLA or kAl)

Any other great suggestions?